Support Cystic Fibrosis by coming to the OzRock Inn!
Half of the night's collection will go to the Tasmanian CF Association (CFTAS) and the other half towards helping Walter conquer Mount Kinabalu!
Help bring awareness and inspiration through supporting this challenge of climbing Mount Kinabalu (4000m+) with Cystic Fbrosis. If you just like to support Walter's collection for CF, aiming to raise one dollar for each meter of altitude (4095 all together) please donate on the Everyday Hero site - see right column.
Come and be entertained by Sean Roche, see below posting, at the Oz-Rock Inn in Ulverstone (Tasmania)! Be there around 6pm for a 630pm kick off to the evening. Irish debauchery guaranteed. Ballads and Guinness might be on the program as might be Guinness Pie, Irish Stew, plenty of food assured and drinks are beer and wine included. Live Irish Entertainment. Menu still to be decided on!
Entry will be $50 for dinner and drinks and Irish Entertainment by Sean Roche. There will be a small auction, some lucky door prizes, plus an un-rigged raffle. If you are willing to support this cause by donating anything or any service for the event or the auction please contact the organisers on info1@coughing4cf.com.
Be there and support CF!